Business Listening and Speaking
by Maurice Jamall and Bruce Wade
For internationally-minded businesspeople
"a no-nonsense business skills book… Definitely worth considering"
- EL Gazette
"packed with useful language practice… extremely clear and easy for teachers and students to find their way around"
-English Teaching Professional
used by fine language teachers and trainers around the world.
a dedicated skills books that concentrates on the skills of listening and speaking within a communicative framework
themes that lend themselves to applications across a wide range of industries
world Englishes
Business Speaking & Listening
by Maurice Jamall and Bruce Wade
ISBN 978-1-896942-09-4
Audio CD set (2 discs)
ISBN 978-1-896942-10-0
Teacher's Notes
Key Features
A wide variety of themes of intrinsic interest to businesspeople, such as Business Ethics, Company Structure, New Markets and more
Extended listenings as well as short listenings
Listening for gist, for understanding and for specific information
A variety of standard English accents that international businesspersons will encounter
Listening Clinics: exercises that help learners understand English as it is naturally spoken
Speaking tasks: designed to extend the listening practices and cement understanding of the language and concepts introduced, and to then encourage the learners to bring their own experiences into the classroom
With Business Listening & Speaking students will get practice in talking about the situations they most need to talk about.

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